by jarrod | Jan 28, 2020 | 2020 01 Newsletter
Tip: You can manage access to store products by site/department or customer (e.g., external customers). Here is how to set this up in PSP: How To Manage Permissions for Store Products KB: 36816 Go to Website > Store > Products Select Product Select Catalog and...
by jarrod | Jan 28, 2020 | 2020 01 Newsletter
FAQ: I’d like to be able to enable different price schedules based on the site/department or customer placing a print order (e.g., internal vs. external customers). Is there a way to do this in PSP? Answer: Absolutely! You can configure multiple price...
by jarrod | Jan 28, 2020 | 2020 01 Newsletter
Welcome Aboard! We know how difficult and time consuming it is to evaluate software solutions to help manage you operation. Congratulations on successfully completing this intensive process. We want to say Thank You for choosing edu and say Welcome Aboard. We look...