TIP: If a User forgets their password and exceeds the allowed login attempts, you can reset their account easily using the following steps.
How to Resolve a User Lock Out—KB Article #22394
OPTION 1: Reset the User account.
- Go to Admin > Website > User Management.
- Locate the User by name.
- Select the EDIT link under the Profile.
- Select UPDATE. This process will reset the User account.
OPTION 2: The User can wait 30 minutes. After 30 minutes the User will be able to login.
There is a login security control for maximum login attempts. This feature adds a layer of security for each User account. If you are not using the maximum login attempts feature and you wish to enable this, here is how to configure this:
- Go to Website > Owner Configuration.
- Enter CTRL F “Invalid Attempts“.
- Enter the number of invalid attempts before lockout.
- After the number of attempts has been reached the User will be locked out.